Our electric delivery vehicle for inner-city food transport is picking up speed.

In the future, the delicious lunch prepared in the sister N4's in-house company kitchen in Saarbrücken-Scheidt will be delivered to Plan Software in the city center by sustainable means.

The new Citroën ë-SpaceTourer, a compact, all-electric van, is now available for the daily journey of around 15 km. This saves the very high emissions of the previous diesel vehicle, especially in short-haul operation, and also requires only about a third of the energy of a combustion engine vehicle.

Previously, attempts were made to transport the thermal containers required to transport food using smaller electric vehicles, but this failed due to the trunk space of the models currently on the market. However, in order not to have to lease an SUV with a conventional drive for another two years, the management decided in favor of the electric van. Due to its size (and up to 6 seats), it will also be used for trips to trade fairs, which will presumably soon become more frequent again, and can thus also help to reduce the burden on the environment.

The next step is to invest in a PV system on the roof of the N4 company building to underline the sustainability concept.

As electromobility gradually picks up speed, local power generation will also benefit employees in the medium to long term, who will soon be able to "fill up" their private vehicles with clean energy in the company parking lot while at work.